Application sharing of biochemical ozone micro-nanobubble technology to improve wastewater
Click:1365Date:2024-11-22 10:00:09
Ozone micro nano bubble technology has many applications in improving the biodegradability of wastewater.
In chemical wastewater treatment, chemical wastewater often contains a large amount of recalcitrant organic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organic chlorides. Ozone micro nano bubble technology can decompose these large organic molecules into small organic acids, aldehydes, alcohols, etc. For example, in the treatment of benzene containing wastewater, micro nano bubbles enable ozone to quickly react with benzene molecules, opening the benzene ring and converting it into small molecule organic matter that can be utilized by microorganisms, providing favorable conditions for subsequent biological treatment.
In the field of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment, the composition of printing and dyeing wastewater is complex, containing a large amount of dyes and additives. Ozone micro nano bubble technology can destroy the chromophores and complex chemical structures of dyes. Typical azo dyes such as Reactive Brilliant Red X-3B undergo treatment using this technology, and the dye molecules are decomposed to produce small molecule products that significantly increase the BOD5/COD (ratio of biochemical oxygen demand to chemical oxygen demand, used to measure the biodegradability of wastewater) of the wastewater, making it easier for microorganisms to metabolize and decompose.
In pharmaceutical wastewater treatment, pharmaceutical wastewater contains high concentrations of difficult to degrade substances such as antibiotics and organic solvents. Ozone micro nano bubble technology can oxidize these complex organic compounds and convert them into simple organic compounds that can be utilized by organisms. For example, for wastewater containing penicillin antibiotics, this technology can reduce the activity of antibiotics through oxidation reactions, while improving the biodegradability of the wastewater, making it easier for subsequent biological treatment units to effectively remove pollutants.