Application of micro nano bubbles in domestic sewage treatment
Click:5308Date:2021-04-09 05:49:17
The main sources of domestic sewage include kitchen, washing, toilet, school laboratory, hospital, etc. Domestic sewage contains a large number of organic matter (such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, urea, etc.), inorganic matter (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) and a large number of pathogenic microorganisms (parasitic eggs, enteroviruses, etc.).
Domestic sewage generally does not contain toxic substances, but it has the conditions suitable for microbial reproduction, and contains a large number of pathogens. The organic matter is extremely unstable, which is easy to rot and produce stench. The proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms can lead to the spread of disease.
Aeration technology has the advantages of less investment, quick effect and no secondary pollution. As a new type of aeration technology, micro nano bubble aeration technology has been paid more and more attention. It has the characteristics of large specific surface, self pressurized dissolution, electrification, stability and free radical generation. It can solve the problem that organic pollutants are not easy to be degraded and realize the purification of water quality.
In domestic sewage treatment, micro nano bubble generator technology can not only improve the removal rate of organic matter in sewage, but also solve the problem of low ammonia nitrogen degradation rate under low temperature conditions. It can be combined with related water treatment technology to improve the sewage treatment capacity of the whole sewage treatment plant, save costs and produce intuitive economic benefits.