Introduction to Micro nano Bubble Waste Gas Treatment Technology for Sludge Drying Odor Waste Gas Treatment

Click:2648Date:2023-12-04 04:39:54

During the drying process of sludge, foul smelling waste gases are generated, which contain various harmful components such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and methyl mercaptan, posing a threat to the environment and human health. The superoxide micro nano bubble odor treatment system is a new type of odor exhaust gas treatment technology, which can effectively remove the odor exhaust gas generated during the sludge drying process. The system injects superoxide micro nano bubbles into the exhaust gas, causing the bubbles to react with harmful components in the exhaust gas, decompose them into harmless substances, and thus achieve the goal of removing foul smelling exhaust gas.

The superoxide micro nano bubble odor treatment system is a system that uses superoxide micro nano bubble technology to treat the odor exhaust gas from sludge drying. The working principle of this system is as follows:

1. Generation of superoxide micro nano bubbles: Through special equipment, oxygen and water are mixed to form superoxide micro nano bubbles. These bubbles typically have a diameter of 10-100 nanometers and exhibit high surface activity and oxidation ability.

2. Reaction of foul odor waste gas: Superoxide micro nano bubbles can effectively absorb the foul odor waste gas generated during the sludge drying process. This is because the surface activity of superoxide micro nano bubbles is very high, and they can react chemically with harmful gases in the foul odor exhaust gas to convert them into harmless substances.

3. Oxidative decomposition: The hydroxyl groups and free radicals generated by superoxide micro nano bubbles can undergo oxidation reactions with harmful gases in the odor exhaust gas, decomposing them into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide and water.

4. Purified emissions: The foul odor exhaust gas treated with superoxide micro nano bubbles can meet national and local emission standards, thereby achieving the purification and emission of foul odor exhaust gas.

The superoxide micro nano bubble odor treatment system has the advantages of stable treatment effect, low energy consumption, and no secondary pollution, and has broad application prospects in the field of sludge drying odor waste gas treatment.
